Important Updates and Initiatives at ATS Valley School

Important Updates and Initiatives at ATS Valley School

Dear Parents,
We are thrilled to share with you the exciting initiatives that the school management has recently implemented to enrich your child’s educational journey. Our school has introduced a range of programmes that aim at fostering holistic development and academic excellence. These are :

1. Environment and Facilities: Our school boasts of a clean and green pollution free environment that provides a conducive atmosphere for learning and growth. We have implemented measures to maintain and enhance our facilities, ensuring a positive academic setting for all students.

2. Academic Excellence: We are dedicated to providing a strong academic foundation for our students. All classrooms are equipped with modern technology, including Smart classes, to facilitate effective learning. The school is well equipped with Atal Lab,Maths Lab,Science Lab and Computer Lab.

3. Holistic Development: Our focus extends beyond academics to the holistic development of each child. We encourage activities like aerobics, yoga, PT drills, dance, robotics, shooting,skating, taekwondo and more, to nurture a well-rounded personality.

4. Cultural Appreciation: We promote cultural diversity by encouraging students to learn folk dances and songs from different states of India, fostering an awareness for our rich heritage.

5. Values and Safety: Along with academic growth, we are dedicated to imparting moral values and knowledge about good touch and bad touch to ensure a safe and respectful environment for our students.We are pleased to inform you that our students are engaging with cultural heritage by learning Gayatri Mantra and Mool Mantra.

6. School Choir: Our school choir has been introduced, adding a creative and expressive dimension to our students' learning journey.

7. Transportation: We are actively working to resolve any issues related to transportation, ensuring a smooth and safe commute for all students.

8. Punctuality and Structured Dispersal: We appreciate the support of parents in maintaining punctuality, which contributes to a disciplined learning environment.Our commitment to discipline extends to a well-organized dispersal process, ensuring the safety and orderliness of our students.

9. Investiture Ceremony: We take pride in celebrating student leadership through our Investiture Ceremony, recognizing young leaders who embody our values.

10. Upcoming Initiatives: We are excited to announce that a Soccer Academy will be launched from August 17th, and plans for a cricket academy are also underway.

We believe these initiatives will greatly benefit your child’s growth and success.As we embank on this journey of growth and progress,we understand that achieving excellence takes time. Just as Rome was not built in a day, we too acknowledge the need for patience as we walk towards fulfilling our mission.

Your continued support is invaluable as we strive to create a nurturing and enriching environment for all our students.
ATS Valley School is committed to providing a congenial and joyful atmosphere for which
we look forward to your continued partnership in
all our endeavours.

Best regards,
ATS Valley School

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